GEWar - FAQ: Rules

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Under no circumstances are you required to give your password to any player in the game!

If another player (even an alliance leader or member) asks for your password, DO NOT give it to them!

Sharing your password is a very easy way to have your account hacked and all your geos stolen!

Like every password the GEWar password shouldn't be easy to guess (1234, QWERTY, your username....). Combine capital and lower case letters, numbers and punctuations and other characters like $ % & {... Don't use the same password for several services and websites!

Multiple accounts
Only one account per person is allowed. Sharing accounts in order to gain is also prohibited. Swapping accounts is also not allowed. Any violation of this rule will be treated as a case of multiple accounts and will result in all accounts being zeroed and banned. If you want to delete or reset your game account please create a help desk ticket.

Malicious scripts of any kind are not allowed in the game. Scripts to improve the usability of the site must be approved by the staff and made available, at no cost, to all players. The use of a script not approved by staff will end with you being banned, and probably yelled at until you are crying in the fetal position.

Any player found exploiting a game glitch/bug will be punished severely. It is in your best interest to not test the limits of this rule. This could, dependent on the severity of the case, result in you either having your account completely zeroed, a permanent ban, or some 6'7" coder showing up at your house and beating you with a toaster over...Seriously, it's not worth it.

Further reading
This page shows only the most important rules of GEWar. The complete set of rules is given here: GEWar Rules

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