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Armies are created at your homebase, access it by clicking the "Homebase" item on the "Home" drop-down menu on top of the game pages. Here you can buy armies, either one at a time or in a group of five (you will get a discount). Bought armies will appear in your homebase, every new army has a size of 100 troops.

The total number of armies you have can be seen on the upper right side of the game page, click the number to view a list of all your armies.

By clicking an army you can view its details, such as the location it is currently at or traveling to, the troop size and the number of hit points. Troop size multiplied with the so-called experience factor gives the number of hit points, this number is the important figure in a battle.

If the army is sitting in your base or a city of yours you can add troops or increase the experience factor by adding equipment to the army or by training it. The cost for that depends on the size of the army. Every won battle of your army increases the experience factor.

The troop upkeep increases with size of army, but cost for an army of certain size increases exponentially with average number of armies per city. Extreme example: When you have 1 city with one army and build another 10 armies to attack the upkeep will be very high. If you had 10 cities with one army each while buying another 10 armies the upkeep would be moderate. As a bigger army costs more upkeep so if you want to increase the strength of your army you may increase the experience factor of your army by training or equipment instead of adding a lot new untrained soldiers which decreases the experience factor. There are different army types available, details are shown in your homebase (go to HOME -> Homebase on any of the game pages).

Taking a City
Cities in GEWar can be occupied or unoccupied. Unoccupied means the city is not owned by a player and is defended by a militia of a few hundred troops, their number increases slowly with time and if they win battles they gain experience. As bigger the city as bigger the militia. To view a list of unoccupied cities, simply click on the "view unoccupied cities" link provided in the "Cities" drop-down menu on top of the game page. It will show you all of the unoccupied cities (if there are any), ranked by "value", the population of a city.

In Google Earth unoccupied cities are displayed by transparent cuboids.

An unoccupied city can be contaminated by radiation due to a nuclear attack (more info about nuclear attacks will follow), in this case the city page will show when the city can be attacked again.

Occupied cities are cities which are owned by a player in GEWar.

You can attack any occupied or unoccupied city (as long as it's not nuked) by choosing an army and sending it to that city. It will take them between a few minutes and a few hours to get there. Note that moving an army costs you two barrels of oil and another two barrels for every five minutes of travel. Once your army arrives outside the city, you can go back to that city page and choose to attack.

If you do so GEWar will put your army against the smallest enemy army in the city you attack and show you troop number and hit points of both armies.

The battle itself is random so several attacks with same hit points will give different results but a result of attacking and defending army losing about same number of hit points is most probable. The winner of the battle will have an army that is smaller in troops but the rest will be more trained than before i.e. the experience factor will be higher.

If you (the attacking army) are killed, you can go back to the city screen and attack again if you have another army outside the city. Otherwise, just send a new army from a nearby city of yourself or your base.

If the defending army is killed, the next weakest army of the city is brought up to face off with your attacking army. Once all of the defending armies are killed, you get the city! Be aware that the only army in the city now is your one little army (probably weakened from battle), so you should move additional armies in there as soon as you're able.

Attacking Free Armies and Homebases
If you have an army outside a city it may happen that the city owner attacks your army outside using his army defending the city. Note: If a player has only one army in his city, attacks the enemy outside and loses the battle the city will become unoccupied!

Armies of two players sitting outside a city can attack each other.

In order to attack outside cities you have to click the "armies outside city" link on the city page and choose attacking army and target (if there are several).

In analogy it is possible to attack armies which are waiting outside homebases or you can attack the homebase itself to kill the armies inside. A homebase can't be destroyed or conquered.

Using Nuclear Weapons
You can use nuclear bombs (simply called "nuke" in most cases) in order to destroy all enemy troops in a city. A nuke travels much faster than an army. You need a nuke silo in one of your cities to be able to fire a nuke, they can be bought by clicking the according link on the city page. When you bought the silo the city page will tell you how much geos and uranium is needed to purchase a nuke. If you have a nuke you can load it to any nuke silo you have (you may choose the silo closest to your target to reduce travel time) or leave it unloaded till you are planning to use it. A nuke in a silo can be lost if you lose the city. In order to fire a nuke open the page of the city you want to hit and click the link "launch Nuke".

Every city owner can purchase a nuke shield for his city, check the city page. It gives no guarantee for safety but the attacker will need more than one nuke to destroy shield and city. A damaged nuke shield can be repaired.

Attack Messages
The latest attacks on a city will appear on the city page, additionally, the profile page of every player shows the latest of all types of attacks he did and received. Attacks you received can be also viewed on Your Main Page (Index page) which can be found on the "Home" drop-down menu.

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